New Breed Fellowship Church

October 2, 2024

It’s Power Moment Wednesday Beloved, 

In the world today we see there is an overwhelming amount of DISTRACTIONS & DEMONIC drivers seeking you out. 

Where & How? Social media, government, family, TV and even our children attempt to “Rob Us of our PURPOSE focus”. 

Know the antidote to combat this DAILY is found in 2 Corinthians 10:5 which tells us to

“cast down imaginations (freaky ways), and every high thing (I gotta get mine no matter what) that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience (his commandments) of Christ”. 

How do we IMPLEMENT this reality? 

Check the action, reaction, thought, and existing social norm for “Does it honor God” ?

We must not let greed, social status, politics, new faith theology or governmental expectations drive our actions or position. 

Where do you stand & who is on the Lord’s side of this decision? 

I pray you be as the 3 Hebrew boys in 2024 where you believe & honor God with such an absolute stance of TRUST & TRUTH that you live a life DAILY committed to his honor.

Bishop A. R. Hines II
