New Breed Fellowship Church

New Breed Fellowship Church


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to our Virtual Sunday Service at 11am & 1 pm EST weekly

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You Are Welcome
to our Virtual Sunday Service at 11am EST weekly

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You Are Welcome
to our Virtual Sunday Service at 11am weekly

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You Are Welcome
to our Virtual Sunday Service at 11am weekly

New Breed Fellowship Church is a particularly outward facing church—a MOVEMENT of Christian people committed to taking the gospel into every street, school, recreational environment, social media platform, community, and around the world WEEKLY so we can show the world that no matter where one finds themselves, Jesus is the hope they long for. “We are a church without WALLS, BORDERS, OR BOUNDARIES”.

Our Mission




Our mission is to SAVE, EQUIP and SEND, which has been our heart and soul in establishing New Breed Fellowship Church. It is the vision to establish global impact from TEACHING God’s word (INFORMATION) for the purpose of digestion (APPLICATION) for which people have a yearning for (DISSEMINATION) sharing. This is the way of which we answer God’s call to “Go Make Disciples”.

What Do We Believe

We believe that The Great Commission, where Jesus calls His people to “go and make disciples of all nations…” applies. In 2021, this presents a problem for the traditional church that solely invites people to come to it. We want to bring Jesus Christ to the highways & byways! Real 5-Fold Ministry approach.
Our model is founding scripturally is Rom 12:1, 2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will. (NIV) This means we need an army of ‘hope bearers’ who have been saved and equipped and sent! Our process is designed to mobilize people around the world to carry out the great commission Jesus gave us. We call this “Wonder Wednesday” POWER MOMENTS!

Each week on Wednesday God inspires Bishop Autie R Hines II to release a “deep-dive” POWER MOMENT teaching lesson, scripturally based, practical approach to empower Christians for daily living as we evolve through transformation (Romans 12;1, 2) in the likeness of Christ. This is disseminated on social platforms, text alerts, and church website with a 1-minute video narrative on the teaching by Bishop to spark interest as a tool in discipleship of others to grow the ministry.
Our model is driven by weekly virtual church service (after pastoral installation on November 13, 2021), weekly POWER MOMENT teachings, and quarterly in person service (multi-City) all supported by a robust digital platform. Ministries will be facilitated via the platform to engage small church in person atmosphere via C-Groups (i.e. women’s, men’s, singles, youth, new partners, Grief, new believers, and outreach opportunities)

Our model reveals we all need to focus on soul winning and how Christian living is cultivated (Do Life, Not Just Church) as “Doer’s of the Word of God” (James 1:22) by intentional & purposefully ministering to persons in our circle of influence. The people are the church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them”.

Our model promotes PARTNERSHIP over MEMBERSHIP as its necessary participation in the teaching INFORMATION, personal APPLICATION, and intentionally sharing your discipleship through DISSEMINATION. This means new partners will be asked, “What do you see God has given you to sow into this ministry? Teaching, Community Engagement, Sports, etc… (Your Gifting, Your area of focus)
Our model is about removing the church walls concept, so we can effectively connect with the lives that are waiting to know the hope of Jesus. Small Group leaders facilitate topic subjects to build & strengthen new believers to grow in the faith, igniting the fire the young & older can take this RELATIONSHIP, not RELIGION of coming to know Jesus together as Lord with joy.

Our model plans to have 20+ WEEKLY outreach efforts and discipleship ministries via technology for anywhere & anytime access for application. It is not enough to know, it’s about empowering others to application of the word & share it.

1-Church, Multiple Locations

San Diego, CA
Atlanta, GA
Richmond, VA
Portland, OR
Jacksonville, NC

New Breed Fellowship Church Bookstore Vendors

No matter how or why someone is lost, we are relentless about being hands-on; providing a practical way for them to be found in the very place they have ended up. We are training disciples to go out as disciples advocating how to “Do Life, Not Just Church”.