New Breed Fellowship Church

November 6, 2024

It’s Power Moment Wednesday Family

Are You Ready for Your Suddenly Experience?

I speak of Prophecy, Predestined, God-revealed information, and true revelation!

I found in Acts 2:2 stated, And SUDDENLY there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, filling the whole house where they were sitting.

It’s verified in Malachi 3:1 “Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will SUDDENLY come to His temple,
Even the Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming,” Says the Lord of hosts.

What your APPLICATION: The SUDDENLY is AWAYS preceded by a “Praise & Worship” time in God’s presence.

Know This: Galatians 4:4 confirms “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law”.

Are You Ready for Your Suddenly Experience?

The Jesus manger experience was a Suddenly coming ……
Your Suddenly is Coming, Are You Ready for Your Suddenly Experience?
Prophecy, predestined, God reveled information, revelation
We are all a “In Process” making ready for our SUDDENLY
The Jesus in manger experience was a SUDDENLY coming ……
Blind man … SUDDENLY sight was dispatched
Crippled man was lamed until Paul spoke claimed SUDDENLY …..

Bring it to YOURSELF….. I was sinking DEEP in sin, far from the peaceful shores, very deeply stained within seeking to rise no more!
But the master of the water heard my cry, and he lifted me from the water. Now, I am safe.

I was lost, then SUDDENLY I was FOUND I asked Christ to enter in …. And the blood of Jesus
Are you still ready for your SUDDENLY TODAY?

Bishop A.R.Hines II
