Victory Over Regret
Good Morning Beloved,
In the Book of 2 Peter 3: 8, The Apostle Peter write, “Beloved, with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.”
There are times in life when you can feel like you have missed out on your blessings. You can walk around with your head bowed down and your spirit defeated, because you are living in REGRET.
You tell yourself, “God is punishing me, because of the sins I have committed…I’m never going to get God’s blessings, because I’m not good enough, I’m too old, I haven’t done everything I was supposed to do.” I know exactly how it feels to live in regret. To in the space where you are always wondering, “when is my blessing coming, everyone else is being blessed, where is my breakthrough.
I have spent years of my life worrying about what I have lost. The relationships I have lost, the friends I have lost, the dreams I have lost, the opportunities I have lost. God had to place in my heart that the blessing was never in what i lost, God’s Blessing is in what has been Left Behind. God will use what you have left over to bless your entire life. . I was never going to truly have a future if I spent my time focusing on what has been lost. God told me, “You will STILL receive everything I have promised you.”
God has spared your life. You can still have Joy. You can still get married. Your family can be restored. Your marriage can be healed. Your sickness can get well. You are still the beloved of God.
Pray this prayer today:
“Dear God, you are the author and perfector of my faith. You know what I have been through and what keeps me awake all night long. You know even my most secret prayers, those things I can’t tell anyone else about. So now God, please open my eyes, to see the Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living. Help me to imagine what is possible. Help me to stop mourning the things and the people I have lost and help me to realize I still have Blessings Right in front of me. For you are still moving, you are still working and transforming me. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Bishop Autie Hines