“Do You Know Your Season?”
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “That For Everything There is a Season…a time to be born and a time to die”. What you do with the time between your birth and your passing is all that matters. Every Year you make promises to yourself about what you are going to do and you we are going to accomplish. But if the truth be told, we end up wasting so much time and energy on people that do not matter and on situations beneath your purpose.
So in 2022, I am reclaiming my time. I am focusing on the things and the people that God has given to me! Because time is the one thing you can never get back. As you close out another week, I challenge you to focus on the areas in your life that can you impact. We have got to learn how to stop wasting so much time and give our burdens to God!
As the bible says, “it is by the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed”. I want you to take just a few minutes and give God praise for what God is doing in your life. Even if you are not where you want to be, you’re making progress, you’re pressing on! And God be praised for that pressing, for the race is not given to the swift, nor is it given to the strong, it is given to those who shall endure till the end! So this friday, We praise God for keeping us, for blessing us, for giving us the strength to hold on. Has God ever helped you to hold on? Then Give God praise. I want you to meditate on this …. and God Bless you.
Bishop Autie Hines II, Pastor