New Breed Fellowship Church

December 14, 2022

“God’s Goodness & Greatness”


I want to put you on notice, cling to knowing “God’s Greatness is Found in his Goodness”.

Most have heard the expression, “God is good, all the time; and all of the time, God is good”.  It’s a popular phrase used in worship by many pastors, leaders, and believers.

Fact: Good is who God is …Creator / Orchestrator / Validation & Approval

Fact: What He does and what we experience on His behalf is His goodness, it is sovereign over every circumstance.

He proclaimed each note of His creation, “good.” God purposefully brings every human life into existence upon the earth, intended for “good” works to bring glory and honor to His name.

“God’s Greatness is Found in his Goodness” Rom 8:28

Your prayer “daily” must include acknowledging you need GREATNESS in your life. Exercise this access point to his GOODNESS!

Bishop Autie Hines, Pastor