New Breed Fellowship Church

December 6, 2023

“Power Moment Wednesday”

Good Morning Beloved,

The Key lesson I’ve learned this year is that there are some things you simply cannot force!

So often you can spend all your energy trying to force a relationship to happen, trying to force a particular opportunity to go in your favor, or trying to force your family to behave in the ways you wish. 

But the truth is there are some things you simply cannot make happen. There have been times this year when you can feel like you have missed out on your blessings.  You can walk around with your head bowed down and your spirit defeated, because you are living in regret. You tell yourself, “I’m never going to get God’s blessings because too much time has passed.” I know exactly how it feels to live in that  regret; the space where you are always wondering, “when is my blessing coming, everyone else is being blessed?”  I know that many of you are dealing with this issue right now, because the fact is so many of us waste our time looking backwards, afraid and ashamed about the things you have lost and the mistakes you have made. 

But here is the truth: GOD WILL USE WHAT YOU HAVE LEFTOVER TO BLESS YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.   My Prayer for you is that you open your eyes, lift up your head and begin to focus on the blessing that has been left.    

Mark 8:18-21  says, 18 “HAVING EYES, DO YOU NOT SEE? AND HAVING EARS, DO YOU NOT HEAR? And do you not remember, 19 when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces you picked up?” They said to Him, “Twelve.” 20 “When I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of broken pieces did you pick up?” And they said to Him, “Seven.” 21 And He was saying to them, “Do you not yet understand?”

God has spared your life to see another Christmas Season.  You will get your Joy Back.  You Your family will be restored.  Your relationships & health will be restored.  You are still the beloved of God the Father.  

 Bishop Autie Hines II, Pastor